Wii wins the console leader in US

The Wii has officially outsold the Xbox 360 in the U.S., making it the number-one console in America, Nintendo said Thursday.

"After just 20 mos, Wii is the new console leader in the US @ nearly 10.9 million units, says NPD 2day."

With the high interactivity, Wii has attacted a lot of fans and spread in an epidemic speed. When people first play with Wii, they were so excited at the feelings and can't wait to share the enjoyable taste with their friends. Therefore, the news spread fast among people not only players.

Wii has involved a lot of existing players and non-play people. Obviously the latter one has a much huge number. Wii has won the gambling this round to Xbox. It successfully turned more people into players. This is a really striking and painful goal to achieve, but Nintendo did it. Now there are more and more people playing Wii and sharing funs with their friends everyday. You must know that these people have assured that they won't play games any more!

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